Piezoconductivity of gated suspended graphene

M. V. Medvedyeva, Ya. M. Blanter
2011 Physical Review B  
We investigate the conductivity of graphene sheet deformed over a gate. The effect of the deformation on the conductivity is twofold: The lattice distortion can be represented as pseudovector potential in the Dirac equation formalism, whereas the gate causes inhomogeneous density redistribution. We use the elasticity theory to find the profile of the graphene sheet and then evaluate the conductivity by means of the transfer matrix approach. We find that the two effects provide functionally
more » ... rent contributions to the conductivity. For small deformations and not too high residual stress the correction due to the charge redistribution dominates and leads to the enhancement of the conductivity. For stronger deformations, the effect of the lattice distortion becomes more important and eventually leads to the suppression of the conductivity. We consider homogeneous as well as local deformation. We also suggest that the effect of the charge redistribution can be best measured in a setup containing two gates, one fixing the overall charge density and another one deforming graphene locally.
doi:10.1103/physrevb.83.045426 fatcat:53rort37z5ahldosgeyrsdcfoy