A test of half-sib progenies of greyish oak, Quercus pedunculiflora K Koch

V Enescu
1993 Annales des Sciences Forestieres  
— Results of an open pollinated progeny test of Quercus pedunculiflora are presented. The experimental design was Youden square with 9 replicates. The material comprised 23 openpollinated progenies coming from a clonal seed orchard and 2 controls: 1) bulk collection from a superior population and 2) bulk collection of an average stand. After 14 years, important differences between controls and tested families were observed. All families except 1 showed superiority for stem straightness to the
more » ... ntrols. The data supported the effectiveness of selection for stem straightness. Quercus pedunculiflora / open-pollinated progeny / clonal seed orchard / plus tree
doi:10.1051/forest:19930753 fatcat:cbqgufk42bha7pyrauqudevbl4