Uridylation and PABP Cooperate to Repair mRNA Deadenylated Ends in Arabidopsis

Hélène Zuber, Hélène Scheer, Emilie Ferrier, François Michaël Sement, Pierre Mercier, Benjamin Stupfler, Dominique Gagliardi
2016 Cell Reports  
Graphical Abstract Highlights d TAIL-seq analysis reveals widespread mRNA uridylation in Arabidopsis d Uridylation repairs mRNA deadenylated 3 0 ends d PABP binds to uridylated oligo(A) tails and determines the size of U-tail extension d Uridylation determines the extent of mRNA deadenylation
doi:10.1016/j.celrep.2016.02.060 pmid:26972004 fatcat:oelj5t64nrdffpbc3xvx6qil2y