Avaliando o Desempenho Discente em um AVA: Um Estudo de Caso Utilizando Estat´ıstica Multivariada

Thiago I. A. Souza, Artur O. R. Franco, Thomaz E. V. Silva, Herbert. L. Vasconcelos
2013 unpublished
The evaluation of learning is not restricted to the quantitative measurement of student learning. Highlights some factors that can be analyzed during the teaching process: the influence of the teacher, the school environment, the course curriculum; evaluative metrics, among others. These factors include the structure of the course curriculum, as the object of study of this research. Thus, this study aims to analyze the curriculum of an undergraduate course in blended mode. In this context, a
more » ... litative study from a quantitative analysis is proposed to identify the possible relationship between the disciplines of a course and infer how the curriculum for a course can influence the evaluation parameters. Results show the effectiveness of the application of multivariate statistical techniques in the analysis and understanding of educational processes.
doi:10.5753/cbie.wcbie.2013.422 fatcat:4u4auyhb6jbftivjwt6uiggsqe