Effects of Basic Fibroblast Growth Factor on Adipose Tissue Formation Following Fat Injection for Vocal Cord Paralysis

Etsuyo Tamura, Hiroyuki Fukuda, Toshiyuki Kusuyama, Yuichi Fujimoto
2004 The Japan Journal of Logopedics and Phoniatrics  
In an effort to prevent loss of fat volume and generation of additional adipose tissue after intracordal injection of autologous fat, we evaluated the effects of injecting fat together with basic fibroblast growth factor. Models of bilateral recurrent laryngeal nerve paralysis were prepared using eight beagle dogs. Autologous fat was injected into one vocal cord, and a mixture of autologous fat with basic fibroblast growth factor, gelatin microspheres, and collagen sponge was injected into the
more » ... ther. Histologic reactions were examined over time. When autologous fat was injected together with bFGF, fusif orm immature fat cells were observed in the injected fat tissues. These were not found when autologous fat alone was injected. These findings suggest that formation of new fat cells may occur in injected adipose tissue in response to bFGF .
doi:10.5112/jjlp.45.206 fatcat:wxfu6qahbbbx3dfwk7hzprnure