Study of Heat and Mass Transfer in MHD Flow of Micropolar Fluid over a Curved Stretching Sheet

Asia Yasmin, Kashif Ali, Muhammad Ashraf
2020 Scientific Reports  
A comprehensive investigation of mass and heat transfer in magnetohydrodynamics (MHD) flow of an electrically conducting non-Newtonian micropolar fluid because of curved stretching sheet is presented. Flow is originated by stretching of curved sheet by means of linear velocity. Concentration and energy equations are incorporated to study repercussion of mass and heat transfer. To define basic equations of the model, curvilinear coordinates are used. The transformed BL (boundary layer) equations
more » ... for the momentum, concentration, angular momentum and temperature with appropriate boundary conditions are numerically solved by SOR (successive over relaxation) algorithms combined with the quasi-linearization technique. Flow features such as temperature fields, micro rotation, velocity and concentration are appraised for manipulation of pertinent parameters. The radius of curvature enhances the temperature and concentration whereas it declines micro-rotation as well as velocities of the fluid. It is significant to notice that magnetic field interaction is caused counterproductive in increasing concentration distribution and fluid temperature while diminishing micro-rotation and velocities at all domain flow points. As schmidt number increases concentration of fluid reduces.
doi:10.1038/s41598-020-61439-8 pmid:32165668 fatcat:kjwsmijbijbsdplbz5aaaiaxta