A Study on the Safety Distance of Underground Structures in Asepct of Ground Vibration Velocity due to Explosions
지중 구조물의 지반 진동 안전거리 설정에 관한 현장적용연구

Sangjin Park, Jiwon Kang, Young Jun Park
2016 Korean Journal of Construction Engineering and Management  
The necessity to consider stability of underground structures constructed below or adjacent ammunition depots has been increased since the expansion of urban area and construction of infrastructure. However, there are a few studies on influence of accidental explosion on underground structures. In this study, the process of assessing the stability of underground structures is suggested and its applicability is verified through the case study. AUTODYN and SPACECLAIM are used to execute the
more » ... ure and geotechnical modelling, and explosion effect is simulated and vibration velocities are calculated. According to the result of this case study, it is concluded that underground structure constructed 70m below ground might be rarely influenced by the simulated explosion. The process used in this study could be used to design the underground ammunition complex and analyse the stability of underground facilities being influenced by periodical vibration.
doi:10.6106/kjcem.2016.17.4.087 fatcat:k4e6eir3ebgfvi37vesy4rz35u