New Teaching Technique for the Conservation of Momentum in High−school Physics Using Image Analysis

Takashi Sekiguchi, Atsushi Minato, Satoru Ozawa
2005 Computer & Education  
It is difficult to teach the conservation of momentum in the lecture of high−school physics, because the momentum should be treated as vector. Introducing experiments helps understanding, but we don't have enough time for the lecture. We have developed a new teaching technique. The split of two air−packs on the two−dimensional plane is recorded in advance. The air−packs and the sliding plane are designed elaborately to achieve extremely low friction. Displaying and analyzing the recorded
more » ... on the computer, the conservation of momentum is verified by students with enough accuracy. Demonstrating not a simulation but an actual movement, students became to be more interested in the lecture and could understand "the conservation of momentum as an operation of vectors" by intuition in the limited time of lecture.
doi:10.14949/konpyutariyoukyouiku.18.99 fatcat:wkvv33qlcfdldgnn7qiiigaksu