Numerical Assessment of the Structural Effects of Relative Sliding between Tissues in a Finite Element Model of the Foot

Marco A. Martínez Bocanegra, Javier Bayod López, Agustín Vidal-Lesso, Andrés Mena Tobar, Ricardo Becerro de Bengoa Vallejo
2021 Mathematics  
Penetration and shared nodes between muscles, tendons and the plantar aponeurosis mesh elements in finite element models of the foot may cause inappropriate structural behavior of the tissues. Penetration between tissues caused using separate mesh without motion constraints or contacts can change the loading direction because of an inadequate mesh displacement. Shared nodes between mesh elements create bonded areas in the model, causing progressive or complete loss of load transmitted by
more » ... This paper compares by the finite element method the structural behavior of the foot model in cases where a shared mesh has been used versus a separated mesh with sliding contacts between some important tissues. A very detailed finite element model of the foot and ankle that simulates the muscles, tendons and plantar aponeurosis with real geometry has been used for the research. The analysis showed that the use of a separate mesh with sliding contacts and a better characterization of the mechanical behavior of the soft tissues increased the mean of the absolute values of stress by 83.3% and displacement by 17.4% compared with a shared mesh. These increases mean an improvement of muscle and tendon behavior in the foot model. Additionally, a better quantitative and qualitative distribution of plantar pressure was also observed.
doi:10.3390/math9151719 fatcat:siul2ukf5bf6xoikhy2bdi4kqq