Brain Automatic Process of Auditory Pathway of Students Majored in Basketball

Wei Yao
2018 NeuroQuantology  
Mismatch negativity (MMN), as the component of the event-related potential (ERP) was introduced as an index in this study. With between-subject and within-subject design, 8 college students majored in basketball were intervened under classic and optimization experimental paradigms. The waveform caused by different voice frequencies is analyzed to explore the automatic brain processing of basketball players' auditory pathways. After comparison, the results show that under the classical paradigm,
more » ... the average area of MMN in basketball group is generally small. It shows that basketball group cannot process the difference between sound stimuli at the early stage, indicating that the early preprocessing of auditory information of the cerebral cortex is relatively inactive. The average area under the MMN wave induced by the classic paradigm is larger than that under the classic paradigm.
doi:10.14704/nq.2018.16.5.1419 fatcat:i5nif7gq3bgjjfd6cjom254j5e