Effect of androgen on mice tear film stability and Mucins expressions in mice corneal epithelial cells in vivo

Li Li, Xuan Zheng, Shuang-Mei Wang, Ge Gao, Qian-Yan Kang
2016 Guoji Yanke Zazhi  
AIM: To study in vivo the effect of androgen on mice tear film stability and Mucins expressions in corneal epithelial cells in BALB/c mice after orchectomy.METHODS: With orchiectomy operation, we set up mice model. And serum androgen concentration of mice was detected by radioimmunoassay. Break-up time(BUT)of tear film was tested in the different experimental points. Mice corneal epithelia were peeled and MUC1 and MUC4 mRNA and protein levels were measured by RT-PCR and Western blot. RESULTS:
more » ... e serum androgen concentration reduced to 0ng/μL at 1wk after orchiectomy. The BUT values were 68.33±12.86s, 62.47±3.75s, 58.67±10.03s, 47.17±7.64s, 39.51±3.39s, 32.67±3.88s and 31.00±2.36s in the normal control group, sham group and in orchectomy group at 1, 2, 4, 6 and 8wk, respectively, and the BUTs were significantly shorter in the orchectomy at 2, 4, 6 and 8wk groups than those in the normal control group(all at P<0.05). MUC1 and MUC4 mRNA and proteins levels decreased with androgen level lowering(P<0.05). Mucin1 level was the lowest at 2wk after orchiectomy, and the lowest Mucin4 level was found at 1wk after orchiectomy. CONCLUSION:In vivo, androgen regulates Mucins expressions in mice corneal epithelial cells, makes BUT shorter,and influence the stability of tear film.
doi:10.3980/j.issn.1672-5123.2016.7.06 doaj:2db5bfbb788a484fbeaab606fd6bb9c6 fatcat:2gmxdwi54ngp7o2n5g6eppm4tu