A Map Matching Algorithm to Eliminate Miscalculation Based on Low-Sample-Rate Data

Dong Wang, Zhiwei Wang, Xiaohong Li, Zhu Xiao
2014 Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Computer Science and Service System   unpublished
Map-matching is the technology of aligning a sequence of user's GPS positions with the road network on a digital map. However, there exists miscalculation in mapmatching for low-sampling-rate GPS trajectories. To address this problem, this paper proposes an algorithm termed MIV-Matching for low-sample-rate GPS trajectories. To improve the accuracy in map-matching, MIV-Matching considers the process of existing algorithms for low-sample-rate GPS trajectories and then discusses and corrects the
more » ... ocess of miscalculation. This paper also evaluates the algorithm on real life data set. Experiment results show that the MIV-Matching algorithm outperforms the related method (ST-Matching and IVMM algorithm).
doi:10.2991/csss-14.2014.51 fatcat:3xmvc2h34rfqxmphxdzy4b5tsy