1958 BMJ (Clinical Research Edition)  
The chairman, Dr. DONALD STEWART (Birmingham), emphasized that rehabilitation was a subject of importance to medical practitioners in every field, and hence the wide range of interests represented by the opening speakers, who were respectively a professor of medicine, an orthopaedic surgeon, a psychiatrist, a physical medicine consultant, and an industrial medical officer. Professor R. E. TUNBRIDGE (Leeds) said that his purpose was to show the need for the profession to apply the lessons with
more » ... ich it was familiar. Rehabilitation was a professional responsibility, and as a profession we should press for the provision of a more complete service, particularly for all forms of planned convalescence. The changing practice it was necessary to implement the complicated statutory BRnrisH 219
doi:10.1136/bmj.2.5090.219 fatcat:mzez2ajyp5cc3luodizosqlrei