The basic rot diseases in onion during storage-intensity of their development and damages

Sardorjon Avazov
2017 Bulgarian Journal of Crop Science   unpublished
In this paper the basic fungous diseases of onion during storage in various conditions of Uzbekistan are presented. It is positioned that the most harmful fungi in shelf-life of onion is botrytis rot, with agent Botrytis allii Munn. The degree of infection, the absolute loss of weight and the coefficient of harmfulness of this disease was much higher than all the other diseases of onion during storage (nearly 30 fungi species). The black rot disease, with agent Aspergillus niger (van Tiegh) is
more » ... lso considered as quite harmful to onion during storage. Растениевъдни науки, 2017, 54(4) Avazov, S. E. (2017). The basic rot diseases in onion during storage-intensity of their development and damages.