Detection of Wrong Way Driving using V2I Communication

Muhammad Z. Hasan, Nicholas Trevino, Rene Chavez
2020 Zenodo  
1,*, , Wrong Way Driving (WWD) is an ongoing problem that requires constant attention in order to prevent accidents and to protect the general public. Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) in San Antonio has initiated a program to implement solutions to mitigate WWD accidents. As technology continues to advance, it is important to create innovative solutions to counteract the WWD problem. In intelligent vehicles and vehicles with a heads-up display (HUD), we can utilize the on-board
more » ... r of Vehicle to Infrastructure (V2I) communication system to detect WWD and to alert the authorities. This project simulates the On-Board Unit (OBU) of the car and the Roadside Equipment (RSE) that will interact with each other to detect the WWD. Proper interaction between OBU and RSE is implemented for data transfer to detect the WWD. Test results show that the RSE takes 3.61 ms to notify the vehicle of a WWD. The worst-case violation can be detected within a distance of 3.81 inches in the ramp.
doi:10.5281/zenodo.4027902 fatcat:h5ynp42jj5c4tkjpyyk2u4sety