An Efficient Variational Method for Image Restoration

Jun Liu, Ting-Zhu Huang, Xiao-Guang Lv, Si Wang
2013 Abstract and Applied Analysis  
Image restoration is one of the most fundamental issues in imaging science. Total variation regularization is widely used in image restoration problems for its capability to preserve edges. In this paper, we consider a constrained minimization problem with double total variation regularization terms. To solve this problem, we employ the split Bregman iteration method and the Chambolle's algorithm. The convergence property of the algorithm is established. The numerical results demonstrate the
more » ... ectiveness of the proposed method in terms of peak signal-to-noise ratio (PSNR) and the structure similarity index (SSIM).
doi:10.1155/2013/213536 fatcat:nkm36du6eva37lrcnpctygowvm