Fixed Channel Assignment and Neural Network Algorithm for Channel Assignment Problem in Cellular Radio Networks

Omid Moradi
2010 Computer and Information Science  
The channel-assignment problem is important in mobile telephone communication. Since the usable range of the frequency spectrum is limited, the optimal channel-assignment problem has become increasingly important. The goal of this problem is to find a channel assignment to requested calls with the minimum number of channels subject to interference constraints between channels. This algorithm consists of: 1) the fixed channel assignment stage; 2) the neural network stage. In the first stage, the
more » ... calls in a cell determining the lower bound on the total number of channels are assigned channels at regular intervals, then the calls in adjacent six cells are assigned channels by a cluster heuristic method sequentially. In the second stage, the calls in the remaining cells are assigned channels by a binary neural network. The performance is verified through solving well-known benchmark problems. Especially for Sivarajan's benchmark problems, my algorithm first achieves the lower bound solutions in all of the 12 instances.
doi:10.5539/cis.v3n4p93 fatcat:dikatoayz5faxlsjmenyypwymy