Fel d 1–derived peptide antigen desensitization shows a persistent treatment effect 1 year after the start of dosing: A randomized, placebo-controlled study

Deepen Patel, Peter Couroux, Pascal Hickey, Anne Marie Salapatek, Paul Laidler, Mark Larché, Roderick P. Hafner
2013 Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology  
Allergic rhinoconjunctivitis is an increasingly common source of morbidity, with sensitivity to cats accounting for 10% to 15% of disease burden. Allergy to cats is also a major risk factor for the development of asthma. Objectives: We sought to probe the persistence of the treatment effect of a novel Fel d 1-derived peptide antigen desensitization (Cat-PAD) 1 year after the start of treatment in subjects with cat allergy-induced rhinoconjunctivitis after standardized allergen challenge.
more » ... : In a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, parallel-group clinical trial, subjects attended an environmental exposure chamber in which they were exposed to cat allergen before and after treatment with 2 different regimens of Cat-PAD over a 3-month period. Clinical efficacy was assessed as a change in total rhinoconjunctivitis symptom scores 18 to 22 weeks and 50 to 54 weeks after the start of treatment. Results: Treatment with Cat-PAD showed greater efficacy with 4 administrations of a 6-nmol dose 4 weeks apart than with 8 administrations of a 3-nmol dose 2 weeks apart. The treatment effect of 6 nmol persisted 1 year after the start of treatment and was significantly different from that of 3 nmol (P 5 .0342) and placebo (P 5 .0104). The treatment effect was apparent on both nasal and ocular symptoms at 1 year. Conclusions: A short course of Cat-PAD improves the ocular and nasal components of rhinoconjunctivitis symptoms in subjects with cat allergy, with the treatment effect persisting 1 year after the start of treatment. (J Allergy Clin Immunol 2013;131:103-9.) Least squares means, 95% CIs, and P values are based on an analysis of covariance, with change from baseline as the dependent variable, treatment as the fixed effect, and baseline as the covariate. P values are from a 2-sided test at the 5% level. LS means, Least squares means; NA, not applicable.
doi:10.1016/j.jaci.2012.07.028 pmid:22981787 fatcat:zulboaltcfejxmoxfj4f5qur2i