The State of Science Education in Post-Independent India: A Synoptic Review and Future Direction

Ramjit Kumar, Dr. Smriti Singh
2017 IOSR Journal of Humanities and Social Science  
Science is the constitutive feature of the knowledge society. It has changed the way we understand the social and natural world around us. Apart from alleviating us from the traps of ignorance, illiteracy and penury, it challenged the centrality and dominance of metaphysical beliefs in society. The attributes of science like rational, creative, and critical thinking and scientific worldviews are the universal values. These values are essential for the growth of an individual as well as society
more » ... s a whole. In post independent India, our constitution adopted the goals of establishing society based on the scientific temper, humanism and spirit of inquiry. It is also enshrined in the fundamental duties of the citizen in Article 51 A(h) of the constitution that states that it is the duty of the every citizen of the country to inculcate, propagate and further disseminate scientific temper in society. This underlines that science education has distinctive responsibilities to disseminate scientific temper in society. Introducing the idea of science as a process/practice at curriculum level, exposing students to nature of science, and communicating the context of scientific concepts and teaching science through innovative accounts like learning by doing and discoveries in the classroom are some of the important components of pedagogical content knowledge that can be leveraged in the science education program to make science education enjoyable, livable and intrinsic to learning process. It will also bring the issues and context of educational praxis at the center of teaching and learning science education practices.
doi:10.9790/0837-2203065558 fatcat:vduhcuqlzbdc3awz2fhv5vu5su