Sixth Industrialization of Salmon Set Net Fishery and Conditions of Fishing Village Activation

Journal of Regional Fisheries  
Almost Japanese domestic salmon have been harvested with set net fishery around coast of northern Japan. They have been processed flesh and salted filets by seafood industry. The conditions of fishing village activation by sixth industrialization of salmon set net fishery were resolved by case studies in Hokkaido and Tohoku district. Especially, some brand salmon such as matured salted salmon have been processed by sixth industrialization of fisheries cooperatives in eastern Hokkaido.
more » ... of sakebushi and sake-toba contributed the utilization of waste salmon resource after artificial fertilization in southern Hokkaido and Tohoku district. Their salmon seafood has strong demand for Japanese consumers. Sixth industrialization of domestic salmon was suggested to contribute the activation of fisheries cooperatives in fishing villages.
doi:10.34510/jrfs.58.1_20 fatcat:actbac5pkrbm3heec6l3ygwj3y