Renal vein transposition in nutcracker syndrome

Yakup Bostancı, Yarkın Kamil Yakupoğlu, Fatih Atac, Hasan Çetin, Gürkan Genç, Hülya Nalcalıoğlu, Ender Ozden, Ozan Ozkaya, Saban Sarıkaya
2013 Journal of Experimental and Clinical Medicine  
Article History Received Nutcracker syndrome (NS), caused by compression of the left renal vein (LRV) between the superior mesenteric artery (SMA) and the aorta, results in elevation of LRV pressure and collateral vein development. This meso-aortic compression may present with hematuria, left flank pain and proteinuria. Several treatment options have been described to relieve associated symptoms. In this paper we report a 16-years-old girl with episodic macroscopic hematuria and left flank pain
more » ... who was diagnosed as NS and successfully treated with LRV transposition.
doi:10.5835/jecm.omu.30.02.025 fatcat:tg7ytzttzzcarl2alyjkldgqti