Surveying Aspect of Registration of Land Information in Poland**

Pawe³ Hanus, Ryszard Hycner
Land information is a term of rather wide meaning [3]. Generally, one can classify land information as a surveying and legal information. The latter concerns various right assigned to real estate. The former concerns, in turn, wide range of information including both location of objects and groups of attributes, describing their features. This kind of information we will call later "land information in surveying aspect" or shorter "surveying information". This is a brief idea of range and kind
more » ... f land information in Poland. One can assume that this problem is similar to other countries. Surveying information in Poland is obtained during various measurements. Their results are data 1 , which in turn can be processed to demanded shape. Thus, they will be first of all maps in digital (vector or raster model) and analogue form, lists, registers, tables, and so on. Both raw and processed data are in turn registered and kept in special places called "surveying documentation centres". We will call them later shortly "documentation centres" or "centres". One should mention, that documentation centres play very important role in Poland [2]. Although their aim is mostly registration and keeping surveying information, yet their task is also supervising and inspection of quality of surveying works. We will discuss this problem in the next points of the article.