Microphase Separation in a Model Graft Copolymer

W. D. Dozier, D. G. Peiffer, M. Y. Lin, M. Rabeony, P. Thiyagarajan, S. K. Behal, M. M. Disko
1995 IJPAC. International journal of polymer analysis and characterization  
We present a preliminary overview of our work on a series of graft. copolymers having poly(ethy1 acrylate) backbones with pendant chains of polystyrene (PS). The copolymer system appeared to be in the strong segregation limit and exhibited evidence of ordered structures. The morphology of these structures can apparently be very different from what would be expected. For instance, we observed a lamellar structure in a material containing 28 wt. % PS grafts. Samples under uniaxial strain showed
more » ... ther conventional (i.e., affine deformation) and anomalous ("butterfly" isointensity patterns) behavior in smallangle neutron scattering.
doi:10.1080/10236669508233879 fatcat:ovv6dmwb6ffb3n4kh7cywgtqou