Investigation of effects of boron additives on performance of cam mechanisms

Hasan BAŞ
2021 International Journal of Automotive Engineering and Technologies  
The use of additives in the contacting surfaces is essential for the formation of a thin lubricant film, which separates the moving surfaces from each other. Boron compounds, in particular, are very helpful for the sliding surfaces. The aim of the investigation is to clarify how the boron additives influence the lubricating ability of the engine oil using in the sliding contact of the cam-follower. In this study, the considerable results in the tests of engine oil with boron compounds and with
more » ... ase oil are obtained. And also, the influences of the minimize interface friction has been observed under different test conditions.
doi:10.18245/ijaet.843193 fatcat:ytsutuyqmvemriewcktoomfghy