Scrutiny of various GUI Integration Testing Tools and Initializing a Fresh Tool

M Rajalakshmi, Viji Vinod
2016 288 | International Journal of Computer Systems,   unpublished
Software testing and remodeling exists frequently during the software development life cycle to detect errors as early as possible. Software Testing cost 50% of the software development budget. Using automated testing tools nearly reduce the testing cost. The success rate of software system depends upon the following: requirements elicitation technique, modeling, analysis, minimal cost, reduce time of execution and finding bugs. In this paper discussed various GUI automation testing tools which
more » ... will help us to understand the automation testing as well as the comparison between the tools available for integration testing. Nowadays, the integration of GUI application and Web services are very tedious work. It takes two to three hours for whole project integration and execution. So, here just initializing the new integration testing tool. A feature of new tools, advantages, reason for creating the new tool and also describes the terminologies. This integration testing tool may easily access to developer, tester, client and new user.