''Green'' Biopolymers for Improved Decontamination of Metals from Surfaces: Sorptive Characterization and Coating Properties.. Annual report to be submitted to DOE Program Managers for posting on web page [report]

BH Davison
2001 unpublished
RESEARCH OBJECTIVE The proposed research aims to develop a fundamental understanding of important biological and physical chemical parameters for effective decontamination of metal surfaces using environmentally benign aqueous-based biopolymer solutions. Understanding how heavy metal-chelating biopolymers coat and interact with contaminated surfaces will benefit the development of novel, safe, easy-to-apply decontamination methodologies for removal of radionuclides and heavy metals. The
more » ... of these methodologies will include the following: decreased exposure hazards for workers; decreased secondary waste generation; increased efficiency of decontamination; positive public appeal and development of novel, nature-friendly business opportunities; and lower cost of cleanup to the government. We propose to use aqueous biopolymer solutions to coat a contaminated metal surface (i.e., steel), solubilize the heavy metals (e.g., uranium) from the surface, and bind the heavy metals into the biopolymer. The biopolymer coating (containing the immobilized hazardous metal contaminants) will then be removed as a viscous film, as a dry powder, or by washing. This "apply, wait, and remove" procedure will reduce the amount of worker time spent in decontamination activities. RESEARCH PROGRESS AND IMPLICATIONS We are over 2 years of 3 years into research on "green" biopolymers for a decontamination system that is efficient, safe, and environmentally friendly. We have successfully confirmed the core hypothesis of that proposal: to use aqueous biopolymer solutions to coat a contaminated metal surface (i.e., steel), solubilize the heavy metals (uranium) from the surface, bind the heavy metals into the biopolymer, and remove the biopolymer-radionuclide complex.
doi:10.2172/814620 fatcat:fo2u2wzw4rgszfuc2tzsnmd34u