The Definition Method and Optimization of Atomic Strain Tensors for Nuclear Power Engineering Materials

Xiangguo Zeng, Ying Sheng, Huayan Chen, Tixin Han
2016 Science and Technology of Nuclear Installations  
A common measure of deformation between atomic scale simulations and the continuum framework is provided and the strain tensors for multiscale simulations are defined in this paper. In order to compute the deformation gradient of any atomm, the weight function is proposed to eliminate the different contributions within the neighbor atoms which have different distances to atomm, and the weighted least squares error optimization model is established to seek the optimal coefficients of the weight
more » ... unction and the optimal local deformation gradient of each atom. The optimization model involves more than 9 parameters. To guarantee the reliability of subsequent parameters identification result and lighten the calculation workload of parameters identification, an overall analysis method of parameter sensitivity and an advanced genetic algorithm are also developed.
doi:10.1155/2016/4649870 fatcat:qfdr2pqvj5c37fl2oq32h57o44