Appearance capturing and animation techniques for realistic, true-identity gaming avatars

Mircea C. Ionita, Peter Corcoran
2009 2009 International IEEE Consumer Electronics Society's Games Innovations Conference  
Making use of a class of 2D statistical face models known as active appearance models (AAMs), we investigate a technique for generating real-time animated avatars suitable for video gaming. We consider here a number of improvements of these models in order to make them more robust to varying environmental conditions, as well as to reduce the computational load such that to become adapted for real-time implementations. Abstract -Many researches were conducted in the affective computing field,
more » ... ce the precursor work of Picard in the 90's. Affective computing devices are slowly appearing with some particular digital entertainment products. We present in this paper a prototype, resulting from the association of a physiological sensing device (EKG, GSR and temperature) with an original virtual reality game.
doi:10.1109/icegic.2009.5293604 dblp:conf/gamesem/IonitaC09 fatcat:xqv4dl5xwfcpxikmho2oca7fcy