Sensitivity analysis of a High Gain DC/DC boost converter including parasitic parameters

F. Alonge, M. Pucci, R. Rabbeni, G. Vitale
2014 The Renewable Energies and Power Quality Journal (RE&PQJ)  
A high gain DC/DC boost converter is presented. This circuit is analysed with reference to the sensitivity analysis of the static gain transfer function including parasitic parameters. Results demonstrate that a low parasitic resistance of the input inductor gives a quasi-ideal behaviour in terms of efficiency and boosting but, on the other hand, it implies high variation of the static gain versus the duty cycle at its high. This kind of analysis is particular meaningful, since it has been
more » ... strated that the sensitivity of the HG (High Gain) boost DC-DC converter to the parasitic resistance of the input inductance is higher for lower values of the parasitic resistance.
doi:10.24084/repqj12.415 fatcat:n2nxby2bkrhh7a2gbneq2bxytm