A Long-term Prognosis of Sudden Deafness with Vertigo. A Retrospective Study

Tadashi Kitahara, Kazumasa Kondoh, Noriaki Takeda, Junko Murata, Shin-ichi Okumura
2000 Practica Oto-Rhino-Laryngologica  
We experienced 52 patients with idiopathic sudden deafness with vertigo treated at our hospital between 1992 and 1997. In order to investigate influences of long-term canal paresis (CP) on the patients'hearingprognosisandactivityintheirdailylife, weexaminedcalorictest, audiometryand several questionnaires with 30 out of 52 patients over long-term intervals (14-75 months) after the onset. These examinations revealed that 20 out of 30 patients had persistent CP and poor prognosis of hearing.
more » ... with persistent CP also had a handicap in their everyday life because of the dizziness induced by head and body movements, resulting in disturbance of their mood. It is notable that hearing level of those with persistent CP was worsened during long-term follow up (more than 5 years).
doi:10.5631/jibirin.93.449 fatcat:65p5h3v2zfeyrjnbwmlnllu5ri