Interrelationships among conceptus size, uterine protein secretion, fetal erythropoiesis, and uterine capacity

J. L. Vallet, H. G. Klemcke, R. K. Christenson
2002 Journal of Animal Science  
The interrelationships among d-11 conceptus size, d-105 placental weight, placental efficiency (the ability of the placenta to support fetal growth and development), fetal erythropoiesis, and uterine capacity were examined in ¹⁄₂ Meishan, ¹⁄₂ White crossbred gilts that were unilaterally ovariohysterectomized at 90 to 100 d of age. In Exp. 1, gilts were mated after at least one normal estrous cycle and then slaughtered at 105 d of gestation and number of fetuses and CL, placental weights, fetal
more » ... eights, hematocrits, fetal plasma iron, and fetal plasma folate were measured. In Exp. 2, gilts were mated and plasma progesterone was measured on d 2 and 3 of gestation. On d 11, the length of the remaining uterine horn was recorded and the uterine horn was flushed with minimal essential medium. Number of CL, conceptus number, conceptus diameters, and total uterine flush retinol-binding protein (tRBP), acid phosphatase (tAP), and folate-binding protein (tFBP) were measured. Gilts were mated again and slaughtered at 105 d of pregnancy and the same traits measured in Group 1 were recorded. Plasma progesterone concentrations on d 2 and 3 were correlated with
doi:10.2527/2002.803729x pmid:11890409 fatcat:xnt47u2gnzbozjafkhkjge7zbm