Heat Loss Reduction Analysis of 2-Layer ETFE Foil by Dymola Simulation

Mohd Azfar Nazim, Sharmin Abdullah, Mirza Mohammad Maqbule Elahi
2017 International Journal of Structural and Civil Engineering Research  
 Abstract-ETFE (Ethylene Tetra Fluoro Ethylene) is a light weight foil with architectural beauty which is commonly used as building material. However to improve the poor heat insulation, deposition of multiple layers of low-emissive coating is necessary. During winter large amount of heat can be trapped since the property of low-e coating includes reduction of radiative part of heat loss with the increase in infrared reflection and decrease in infrared emission. Thus the reflective property
more » ... ps emission of radiant heat outside, keeping the produced radiant heat inside. The simulation of 2 layer ETFE pillows is performed using Dymola Simulation software with and without low-e coating. The simulation showed a significant reduction in U value from 2.6 to 1.7.
doi:10.18178/ijscer.6.2.112-115 fatcat:o7xbwkngyvhwtdc3engcrzxa3e