Gait velocity, timed-up-and-go, and timed stair negotiation measurements using body-contact events are accurate and precise for use in patients following vascular surgery

Fuller M, Treacy L, Crichton S, Thacker M, Jones GD
2017 Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Research  
Peripheral arterial disease (PAD) in adults is a common disease associated with older populations who are prone to associated problems such as poor mobility, frailty and de-conditioning if admitted for hospital intervention. Measurement of ambulatory function is indicated for evaluative and predictive reasons although simple functional measure protocols are inconsistent and accuracy/precision performance is unknown. Objectives: In this study standardised protocols and measurement performance
more » ... a are provided for four temporal metrics (4m gait velocity, 3m timed-up-and-go, timed stair ascent and descent) utilising body-contact as both movement onset and offset events. Design: A between and within-rater reliability study was undertaken. Setting: A large acute urban teaching hospital vascular surgery unit. Methods: A volunteer was videoed performing multiple trials of the four metrics across tempos expected in a PAD population. Four independent physiotherapists of different pay grades timed the videoed events repeatedly. Findings: Accuracy, precision (agreement and reliability) of all functional measures was excellent. Specific caution when employing intra-class correlation coefficient calculations for agreement are detailed. Conclusion: Simple protocols, which can be utilised in clinical practice, are described with favourable accuracy and precision performance. The use of the protocols in clinical practice will now be able to provide robust functional measurements for discrimination and evaluation in the vascular surgery population. Fuller M (2017) Gait velocity, timed-up-and-go, and timed stair negotiation measurements using body-contact events are accurate and precise for use in patients following vascular surgery Volume 2(4): 2-8
doi:10.15761/pmrr.1000154 fatcat:u3pyumjefjaz5clmxwvjtywdli