Evaluasi Daya Simpan Benih Kedelai yang diberi Perlakuan Pelapisan Benih dengan Cendawan Mikoriza Arbuskula

Raden Enen Rindi Manggung, Satriyas Ilyas, Yenni Bakhtiar
2014 Jurnal Agronomi Indonesia  
The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of seed coating with arbuscular mychorrhizal fungi (AMF) on viability and vigor of soybean seeds during 6 month storage. This study consisted of two experiments conducted at ambient room and air-conditioned room from May through December 2011. The experiments were arranged in randomized complete block design with two factors. The first factor was seed coating i.e. untreated control and seed coating using AMF while the second factor was
more » ... ge period i.e. 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 months. Results of experiments showed that soybean seeds maintained the viability > 88% after 2 months stored in ambient room and >85% after 4 months stored in air-conditioned room. The viability of untreated and coated seeds did not show significant differences in both experiments. Untreated seeds indicated higher vigor either stored in ambient room (index vigor) or in air-conditoned room (speed of germination). Seeds coated with AMF showed the rate of increase in moisture content slower than the untreated ones during 6 month storage in ambient room. After 6 month storage in air-conditioned room, the coated seeds had lower moisture content than the untreated. The viability of AMF spores coated on seeds was maintained during 6 month storage in both experiments.Keyword: seed storage, storage room, storage period, viability, vigor
doi:10.24831/jai.v42i2.8425 doaj:9c4d5be719bb4f45b7dc8948a2a2605d fatcat:7gpweoael5aq5llczltp5ywude