Arquitetura do tema, engenharia do poema: sonho e realidade na obra de João Cabral de Melo Neto

Ricardo Viveiros
2021 Revista Épicas  
This article refers to the transcript of the communication made by the Brazilian journalist Ricardo Viveiros on the occasion of the 1st International Seminar on Religion, Art and Literature, promoted by the Lusophone University of Humanities and Technologies and the University of Lisbon, on November 18, 2020. Ricardo Viveiros addresses in his communication aspects of the daily life of João Cabral de Melo Neto, whom he met personally through his profession as a journalist. With great sensitivity
more » ... he brings curiosities from the life of the great Brazilian writer, highlighting his subtle criticism, ironic humor and his perfectionism.
doi:10.47044/2527-080x.2021vne4.4050 fatcat:paam5kt36nf2nkzrpxinun6xa4