Probing non standard neutrino physics at T2KK and Nufact

2009 Proceedings of 10th International Workshop on Neutrino Factories, Super beams and Beta beams — PoS(Nufact08)   unpublished
We discuss the possibility of constraining or discovering the non-standard neutrino physics beyond the standard model with future long baseline neutrino oscillation experiments. Among very many possible experimental set up we discuss neutrino factory and T2KK, in which two detector setting may be useful to achieve the goal. In particular, neutrino factory with two detectors at baselines of 3000 km and 7000 km have a great sensitivity to non-standard interaction (NSI) and solve the θ 13 -NSI confusion problem.
doi:10.22323/1.074.0056 fatcat:efx5cgb4cnhatfwjhmml4b2rqe