The role of investments in increasing economic efficiency in agricultural infrastructure
Роль инвестиций в повышении экономической эффективности в аграрной инфраструктуре

Ramzi Abdullaev
2020 Agrarian Bulletin of the  
Abstract. The purpose of this study is to determine the role of investments in the development of agricultural infrastructure, including in the development of new approaches to the formation and use of investments as a factor in increasing the economic efficiency of the agricultural economy. The research method is comparative and analytical analysis, calculations using the "eviews" software package and a systematic approach. To determine the possibilities of creating the volume of investment
more » ... ducts directed to fixed capital in agriculture, it is possible to construct a mathematical function of investment in agriculture, both in theoretical and practical terms. For example, in the form of the dependence of investments in fixed assets in agriculture on the volume of products produced, depending on the rate of return in agriculture, interest rates, etc. As a result of the study, the main directions of investment attempts to increase economic efficiency in agricultural industry. It was concluded that investments in agriculture in the Republic of Azerbaijan increased by 393.9 million manats in 2010 compared to 2003, and by 727 million manats in 2018. However, this growth is not at the desired level. In short-term and closed economic conditions, the multiplicative efficiency can be higher. The scientific novelty of the study consists in clarifying the essence and role of investment as an economic category based on its definition in both a narrow and a broad sense, as well as in identifying trends and patterns in the formation and use of investments in the agricultural economy.
doi:10.32417/1997-4868-2020-199-8-58-64 fatcat:2wiuu2umkbh55dnbouoqr7cidy