Simulations of Safety Vales for Fluid Power Systems

Mariusz Domagała, Hassan Momeni, Joanna Fabiś-Domagała, Grzegorz Filo, Paweł Lempa
2019 System Safety: Human - Technical Facility - Environment  
Hydraulic power systems are widely used in heavy machinery. Safety of such a systems have a major importance due to the fact that any failure may cause environmental contamination or serious injury. One of the component which protects hydraulic drive systems against excessive rising of working pressure is a safety valve which aim is to maintain pressure in the systems below acceptable level. Pressure control valves which plays important role in a hydraulic systems may have very simple or
more » ... structure. Even in case of the simplest structure of such valve modeling is not an easy task. The new quality in designing hydraulic valves bring CFD method and FSI (Fluid Structure Interaction) methods.
doi:10.2478/czoto-2019-0085 fatcat:pqvdhbgixzbppogkjl5epvo4hu