Okra Leaf Cotton, its Commercial Utilization in Sindh

A.R. Soomro ., A. W. Soomro ., G. H. Mallah ., A. M. Memon ., A. H. Soomro ., A. D. Kalhoro .
2000 Pakistan Journal of Biological Sciences  
Studies were under taken to assess the yield, earliness and insect pest resistance of some newly developed okra leaf strains compared with normal leaf commercial varieties CRIS-9 and NIAB-78. Accordingly, almost all the okra leaf mutants yielded better than NIAB-78. Out of nine okra leaf strains, throb were better yields, two equally good and four gave low yield than CRIS-9 the second check variety. Highest yielding okra leaf strain produced 27 and 35 percent higher yield than CRIS-9 and
more » ... respectively. Okra leaf strains were documented as early maturing, whitefly tolerant and boll rot disease resistant. Realizing the better performance of okra leaf strains with reduced insecticide applications, the commercial utilization of these varieties in Sindh can not be ignored and may prove better replacement of current cultivars.
doi:10.3923/pjbs.2000.188.190 fatcat:m6je666ccjcqrmcmrnrfrxxi3q