
Adam M. Fass, Eric A. Bier, Eyton Adar
2000 Proceedings of the 13th annual ACM symposium on User interface software and technology - UIST '00  
In this paper, we discuss a re-configurable pipeline architecture that is ideally suited for applications in which a user is interactively managing a stream of data. Currently, document service buses allow stand-alone document services (translation, printing, etc.) to be combined for batch processing. Our architecture allows services to be composed and re-configured on the fly in order to support interactive applications. To motivate the need for such an architecture we address the problem of
more » ... nding and organizing images on the World Wide Web. The resulting tool, PicturePiper, provides a mechanism for allowing users access to images on the web related to a topic of interest.
doi:10.1145/354401.354411 dblp:conf/uist/FassBA00 fatcat:jmeou52lmvabxex7neqi7nvyti