Na+ and K+ transport damage induced by oxygen free radicals in human red cell membranes

I Maridonneau, P Braquet, R P Garay
1983 Journal of Biological Chemistry  
~ ' The abbreviations used are: NBT, nitroblue tetrazolium; PMS, phenazine methosulfate; DDC, diethyldithiocarbamate; MDA, malondialdehyde; DIDS, 4,4'-d~isothiocyano-2,2'-d~sulfonic acid stilbene; MetHb, methemoglobin. 3107 by guest on March 23, 2020 Downloaded from the anion carrier. Thus the destruction of extracellular 0; by superoxide dismutase would decrease the steady state level of FIG. 11. A model of the mechanism of K+ loss induced by oxygen free radicals in human
more » ... d cells. Na+,K+ CO-TRANSPORT by guest on March 23, 2020 Downloaded from Physiol. 71, 721-746 6721-6728 Clin. Med. 85, 337-341 by guest on March 23, 2020 Downloaded from
pmid:6298224 fatcat:rgvd623ogjg7pavrzk2sf76hnu