Study on Critical Performance Factors Affecting Kochi Metro Rail Project

Aswathi P, Anju Wilson
2020 International Journal of Advances in Scientific Research and Engineering  
We are living in a fast-developing society. Every day we are exposing to new technology and development in our locality. The communication system and transportation mechanism connect people around the world so easily with utility of less time, cost and comfort. This kind of development also increases the standard of living of people. Rapid urbanization and intense commercial developments in the recent past have resulted in steep rise in travel demand, putting Kochi's transport infrastructure to
more » ... stress. Experience has shown that, in cities like Kochi where roads do not have adequate width and which cater to mixed traffic conditions comprising slow-and fast-moving vehicles, road transport can optimally carry 8,000 persons per hour per direction (PHPDT). There is an urgent need to introduce a light Metro system in the city to provide fast, safe, economic, and environment-friendly mode for mass movement of passengers. With growing population and mega development plans coming up for this port city, the travel demand is expected to grow steeply. With inadequate public transport services, passengers will shift to private modes, which is already evident from the high ownership trends in the region. This will not only aggravate the congestion on the city roads but will also increase the pollution level. Here is the study focusing on the factors affecting the performance of the Kochi Metro Construction Project.
doi:10.31695/ijasre.2020.33813 fatcat:lck6qpylzbaktpdv67c6avpu3m