Spin-glass instability of a short-range random spherical ferromagnet

P. N. Timonin
2008 Physical Review B  
In structurally disordered ferromagnets the weak random dipole-dipole exchange may transform the polydomain state into a spin-glass one. To some extent the properties of such phase in disordered isotropic ferromagnet can be qualitatively described by the spherical model with the short-range ferromagnetic interaction and weak frustrated infinite-range random-bond exchange. This model is shown to predict that spin-glass phase substitute the ferromagnetic one at the arbitrary small disorder
more » ... h and that its thermodynamics has some similarity to that of polydomain state along with some significant distinctions. In particular, the longitudinal susceptibility at small fields becomes frozen below transition point at a constant value depending on the disorder strength, while the third order nonlinear magnetic susceptibilitiy exhibits the temperature oscillations in small field near the transition point. The relation of these predictions to the experimental data for some disordered isotropic ferromagnets is discussed.
doi:10.1103/physrevb.78.174418 fatcat:2cxz2zvszrbo7cqjjugihjger4