A detecção e a localização de faltas de alta impedância em sistemas de distribuição utilizando transformadas wavelets e redes neurais artificiais [thesis]

Rodrigo Zempulski Fanucchi
Palavras-chave: Sistemas elétricos de distribuição, sistemas de proteção, faltas de alta impedância, detecção e localização de faltas, técnicas inteligentes. ABSTRACT FANUCCHI, R. Z. Detection and Location of High Impedance Faults in Distribution Systems using Wavelets Transforms and Artificial Neural Networks. 2014. 139f. Dissertation (Master Degree) -Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos, Universidade de São Paulo, São Carlos, 2014. The occurrence of faults in overhead distribution networks is
more » ... desirable but common based on its topology. Among these events, High Impedance Faults (HIF) is one of the most important due to the fact that it has a small magnitude current. In this dissertation, a modular three-phase method is presented to enable HIF´s detection and location in a distribution system. In the Module 1, the phase currents are monitored in order to detect a discontinuity that can be associated with a HIF´s occurrence. If the Module 1 detected a discontinuity, the Module 2 is initiated and it analyses if the event can be classified as a HIF. Finally, if the Module 2 returns the event as a HIF, the Module 3 is initiated and the possible location of the HIF is estimated. To enable analysis of the proposed method and to validate the results, a real-based distribution system and the acquisition system of a digital relay were modeled in ATP/EMTP software. In order to validate the model, a simulated twophase fault were compared with the data obtained in a real event occurred in the analyzed distribution system. In order to present the importance of detecting and locating a HIF to a distribution utility, a case study was developed in the beginning of its work. Its importance is based on the improvement of the service quality indicators. Based on the results, the proposed method seems to be promising and applicable in a real distribution system.
doi:10.11606/d.18.2014.tde-14102014-092706 fatcat:usaciz5ojjfxrcp5vv4yzbfe2i