The Effect of Quality Service and Facilities on Customer Satisfaction Trough Emotions as Intervening Variable (Case Study at Bank BRI Sharia Madiun Indonesia)

Shinta Maharani, Asmak Rahman, Imas Ramadhani, Miftahul Ulum, Nur Kolis
2021 Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Islamic Studies, ICIS 2020, 27-28 October 2020, Ponorogo, Indonesia   unpublished
To compete with other banks, a banking company should maintain customer satisfaction. It's including service quality which is the most important thing to create customer satisfaction. Besides that, the completeness of the facility also affects customer satisfaction because the facility is one of physical evidence to achieve customer satisfaction. In addition to these factors, emotions could also affect customer satisfaction because emotion is an impersonal condition, covers underlying changes
more » ... d behavior. Therefore companies should maintain customer emotions to have positive emotions. This study aims to determine: (1) the effect of service quality on emotions customers of BRI (Bank Rakyat Indonesia) Sharia Madiun, Indonesia (2) the effect of the completeness facilities on the customer's emotions of BRI Sharia Madiun, Indonesia. (3) The effect of service quality on customer satisfaction at BRI Sharia Madiun, Indonesia. (4) The effect of the completeness of the facility on the customer satisfaction of BRI Sharia Madiun, Indonesia. (5) Emotions influence on customer satisfaction at BRI Sharia Madiun, Indonesia. (6) The indirect effect of service quality on customer satisfaction with emotions as an intervening variable. ( 7) The indirect effect of facility completeness on emotions satisfaction as an intervening variable. The approach used quantitative method and use questionnaires. Path Analysis used to analyze data with 100 respondents. From the data analysis, it can be concluded that: (1) there is an influence on the quality of service on emotions. (2) There is an effect of the completeness of facilities on emotions. (3) There is an effect of service quality on authority. (4) There is an effect of the completeness of the facilities on satisfaction. (5) Emotions influence satisfaction. (6) Emotions cannot mediate between service quality and satisfaction. (7) Emotions cannot mediate between completeness of facility and satisfaction. The services and facilities provided by the bank are good and have met the provisions of good services. However, it should continue to be improved so customers feel comfortable and satisfied and there will be a strong relationship between the bank and the customer.
doi:10.4108/eai.27-10-2020.2304179 fatcat:vkiedzfopfd7jfmgimj5f4cdmq