Causes Of Emergency Abdominal Surgeries In Perdiatrics

Ammara Rasheed, Dr. Hina Shahzadi, Samra Anwar Baig
2018 Zenodo  
Objective: To find out causes of laparotomy in paediatrics population under 12 years age group presenting to paediaric surgery department of a teaching hospital. Background: laparotomy is a major procedure conducted on surgical floor. The paediatrics age group is usually less than 12 years. Many surgical procedures are done in paediatrics surgery unit. However, limited data is available regarding causes of laparotomy. Methods: total 258 patients were studied, over a period of one year starting
more » ... rom 1st July 2016 to 30th June 2017. Study design was descriptive, prospective study. Frequencies and percentages were calculated. Results: Male children commonly underwent laparotomy as compared to females. 65.8% patients were males, congenital malformations being the most common cause 928.29%), second most common cause is infective (21.7%). Keywords: laparotomy, children, causes, teaching hospital.
doi:10.5281/zenodo.1484468 fatcat:b6r5kjjpz5aplkp4c3y52jhhlq