Raising the Achievement of All Learners in Inclusive Education – Literature Review [report]

European Agency For Special Needs And Inclusive Education
2016 Zenodo  
The Raising the Achievement of All Learners in Inclusive Education (RA) project (2014–2017) aimed to provide evidence of effective practice in raising achievement by building the capacity of schools and communities to include and support all learners. The RA literature review provides background information to support the development of evidence-based strategies and promote innovation in schools. The review presents inclusion as an organising principle and a mega-strategy to raise the
more » ... t of all learners. More specific school improvement strategies are discussed in the areas of teaching approaches, curriculum, assessment, learner voice, leadership and collaboration. The review takes account of previous European-level work, such as the INCLUD-ED project (2006–2011), which states that further research is needed to continue to identify successful educational actions and understand how schools can encourage community participation. The RA project continued this work by focusing in particular on schools as learning communities. The literature review is one of a series of planned outputs that aim to guide and support the work of teachers, school leaders and policy-makers. It provides Agency member countries with a summary of the current state of knowledge. For more information about the project, visit the Raising Achievement web area. Download the literature review as a PDF in English below.
doi:10.5281/zenodo.5562063 fatcat:jazip6dusvcm3hce42gcmmcgeq