Accessibility and Usability of Landsat 8 Data for the Purpose of Satellite-Drived Bathymetry of the South Baltic Near-Shore Waters on the Example of Gulf of Gdańsk

Karolina Zwolak, Łukasz Marchel, Marcin Skóra, Radosław Przybysz, Rafał Jóźwiak, Kinga Tomaszewska
2020 Scientific Journal of Polish Naval Academy  
AbstractThe paper presents the analysis of accessibility and usability of Landsat 8 Satellite Imagery for the purpose of Satellite Derived Bathymetry (SGB) products generation of the area of near-shore waters of the Polish coast. General assumptions of the SDB, Landsat program and factors affecting the products generation process have been described in details. Examples of SDB results, generated using both GIS software and Matlab, are presented on the example of chosen areas of Gulf of Gdańsk.
more » ... he advantages and disadvantages of the SDB method are presented in the discussion and conclusion part with the proposed directions for the future works.
doi:10.2478/sjpna-2020-0003 fatcat:3wf2jgwlrral7njjfy23p7hx6u