Behaviour of Cold-Formed Z Purlins with Sag-Rods in Pre-Engineered Buildings

Kanchan S. Takale
2018 International Journal for Research in Applied Science and Engineering Technology  
Zee profile has a complex deformation behaviour and the severe buckling issues leads to reduction in strength of the member. Lateral torsional buckling is the governing deformation leading to overall distortion of the member. It is important to eliminate or delay these buckling problems to achieve higher sustainability of the structure. Use of Sag-rods is a common practice adopted to curb this lateral torsional buckling and to reduce the unbraced length of the member. In this paper the deformed
more » ... shape of the Zee profile is thoroughly observed. While analysing, both the flange widths are kept unbraced since a standard practice of providing 300mm spacing in roofing connection along the length of the purlin is not genuinely practiced everywhere. The influence of one and two sag rods on the deformed shape of Zee profile is observed. The focus was set on the longitudinal deformations of the member with regards to the distribution of deformations along the length of the member. A comparative study of the same is presented in this paper.
doi:10.22214/ijraset.2018.5242 fatcat:nja7rhz4sfhulphfupjx6tloqu