A new species of Echimys Cuvier, 1809 (Rodentia, Echimyidae) from Brazil

Gilson Evaristo Iack-Ximenes, Mario de Vivo, Alexandre Reis Percequillo
2005 Papéis Avulsos de Zoologia  
Here we describe a new species of Echimyidae Amazonian rodent, Echimys vieirai sp. nov., based on two individuals from the south bank of Amazon river between the lower Madeira river to the right bank of the Tapajós, respectively in the Brazilian states of Amazonas and Pará, Brazil. The main diagnostic characteristic of this new species is the presence of a dorsal median dark maroon stripe on the head, running from the rostrum to the nape. Skull morphology is quite similar to that of Echimys
more » ... surus (Zimmermann, 1780), but our new species differ from other species in the genus by the development of the alisphenoid canal and dp4 morphology. Additionally, we offer a refinement of the diagnosis of the genera Echimys and Makalata.
doi:10.1590/s0031-10492005000500001 fatcat:3gcuni5vgjdkxkdlym53g3blxe